March 20, 2014 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Affair Navigation A created for technicians who are interested in Android growth was, given by Aleksandar Ilic, our friend, in cooperation with JavaSvet connection. The contents of the pitch involved #8217 & Android ;s standard components, and best-practices with emphasis on the connection between these components. Aleksandar applied many vivid instances to describe while in the greatest fashion of applying the easiest way, plus Android pieces touse transmission between them in certain conditions the benefits. The audience was very well educated on progress and Java, and so the display took complex duscussion, which matched well all the attendees’ shape. By the end of the lecture we offered the newest PSTech approach on #8217 & developers ; work Java2Android. This program is developed for knowledgeable Java developers who wish to adjust their carrer course, discover ways to create Android applications, and indulge in tasks. More information on #8217 individuals&; profile are available on following adress https:// There just how to overcome too little essays online academic assurance have been several signal examples given, and that is why we chose to release the presentation to ensure that all serious designers make use of them for his or her own purposes or can study the given illustrations. We recommend to every one of the developers who are a part of or about to be involved in mobile development tasks, to have a look around the display that is following: